"The most important thing I learned is that soldiers watch what their leaders do. You can give them classes and lecture them forever, but it is your personal example they will follow."
Jerry Stinson
Commander - Air Force - Post 7968
Jen Schroeder
Sr. VIce - Air Force - Post 7968
Jason Krebsbach
Jr. Vice/Surgeon - Air Force - Post 7968
Jason Walker
Quartermaster/Adjutant/Membership Chairman - Marines - Post 7968
Phillip Erikson
Chaplain/2nd Yr House Committee - Air Force - Post 7968
Roger Gowen
Judge Advocate/1st Yr House Committee - Navy - Post 7968
Blaine Parker
1st Year Trustee - Air Force - Post 7968
Harvey Chamberlain
2nd Year Trustee - Army - Post 7968
Paul Peterson
3rd Year Trustee/Officer of the Day - Marines - Post 7968